3:56:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

YIPEE @!!@

ii cOmmex bkk tOx pOst agn liaos hhaxx !! tOdae nthhx happenx lars !!

bbt my klass gt many jOkers ahhax !!

deyyx make our hist teacher angryys bad horx !! LOLLS !!

dennx ii hate chinese larx eux noex y ?


peanut todae sae teacher ishx to teach us make us pass tish teacher kip scoldin us nn scoLd vulglarities !!

watt teacher laii derh dunch b teacher lar !!

todae cor us do da iddiot hw !! by the end of period nid pashx up !!

shhe ard teach untill haf an hr liao she tok tok tok !! ROFL !!

shhe suux lar ! SUX SUX SUX !

tml after sku ii nid go home dennx tke u-form nn pt kit !!

dennx 2pm nid change to my npcc u-form !! fanngx xiin ii wear lerh sure tke let ur c derh ^^

duunchh b too curious abbt tmll my pattern / overall hahax !!

tml sure mus b a bzz dae loll !!

haiix sian sian sian!!

k lar dunch tok lerh gtg ply audi !!

BB @@@@@@@@@

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