
2:04:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

Hi guys! I'm so bored on bus right now,
So I need something to keep me thinking on bus,
Ohyes! At the same time preventing me to fall asleep on busZ hahah.
So life,
What's life actually is?
I can proudly say that I've been gone through alot lately.
Like in the past, whenever there's a project,
I would definitely do it when I've time, but now,
IADP submission is next week, and my project is not yet complete.
It seems like im not following my principle in life again.
Some people need a schedule for them to follow in life,
While me, I need a principle to follow in life.
To keep me on track on whatever I'm doing.
To stop me from going hayWire.
I've made tons of wrong decisions in life.
It's time to make a change right!
Recently , a number of friends HAS BEEN REMINDING me of our age.
'Time past so fast, we're gg to enter the 2's world soon.'
OMG. I'm good at adapting to changes and situations,
But entering the world doesn't seems interesting to me anymore.
In the past, I always wanted to grow.
I want to grow old as soon as possible .
But now, time is passing so fast,
It's so fast untill I couldn't take in what's happening around me.
Poly students is always lack of sleep.
In poly, it's either you sacrifice UR sleep or sacrifice UR assignment's marks.
For Hil and me,
We totally gave up on our IADP.
We shut down our laptop, off lights and sleep.
I've never felt so depressed and helpless in life.
It feel
AWEFUl ! :"(

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