6:48:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

Uhs . enuff Of saeinq . i wan cOnt mye tOdae stOry [:

tOdae mOrninq . qO iin su train aqn =XX LOL x.x

ddens susie nO fOund slot . but MRS ABALONE wan qqib mie MAP lei

iin e end ii dun wan . cOz 12pm . ii qOiin AMK swimminq cOmplex =X

ddens we swim iin deep pOol . iim nOrt swimminq tOO =X

ii swimminq iin mid pOOl . ii qO deep pOOl ply diving =X

diaO . kae nvms -.-

dens when we qOin tuh change rite . alicia dun noe wad she dOin

qO PIANG the edge -.-

den qOrt blOOd on dA water . T_T

dens ii SHOUT the lifeqquard =X

den ii qO call alicia dadi =x

dens alicia de mami nn sis come driiive a CAR ferh us

ii tOOk shun fenq che tuh amk hub =x

ddens . cOme back . qOne tuh blOq .

dens saw iirene sae . hmms . nvms -.-

aniw . iits NORT ii write iin irene bloq . ue can see the time . the time ii nort i at hOme

ii check it ler . its nort fab too -.-

dens . ii tell iirene . whye not qO POLICE statiOn

den shhe sae . shhe DUN WAN . she sae she NORT SHO FREE ~~ ==

ii dun noe hher la . ii onli nOe ii v iNNocent .

tiO blame untilL lyk tisH -.-

sians liaO .

kae lla . qtq dO hW . BUAII ALL <3

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