stupid lluh >,<
ytd wanqinq told miie ;
napfa change-ed dae -.- wtf ~
eediot cher lluh . cOz mani qqers bOh cOme . shO change-ed ? . farrneh ;
dens todae mOrninq qO skuux ; Omffq . iim sho GUAI ! =x
ddens sms selinah . she at her hse bus-stop dere ? -.-
iin e end qOnna late . she run here .
ddens reach mye hse dere ;
ask me wanna RUN boh ? DOTS half uh !
iin e end we RUN-ED to temple . rest awhile . dens run to pathlight sku . den we walk =X
coz saw mani ppl at traffic light wad -.-
ddens we qO haLL . reach luh . start-ed siinqin dda MARIKITA ~!
sians . dens ii ferhqet button da top nn put scarf ?
dens heng bO tiO caught -.-
haiish ! ;x
dens jiajia saw selinah derh 8ddaes . den tke nn see ;x
ddens shhe n serene kiip shout nn luff ddam lOud ;
ddens make me nn selina luff oso ><
dens mrtan sit dere watch us lyk statuue ;x
qqib uus chOuchOu derh liian !! T-T
ddens we sit frm assembly . dens still qort 1mor assembly -.-
sitted on hair ferh mor den 2hr bah ?
mye leq ish numb de lor >,<
ddens dda 2nd assembly dam sians ;
ish abt LAW ~ DOTS ;X
ddens she at first sae ;
* we see those china ppl kip sae . ZHONG GUO JIAYOU * ;
ddens serene&jiajiah&racheal dey all . shoutted too ;x
ddens ddam lots of ppl come see uush . shO PAISEH ! lols ;x
ddens qO back klash at 9.30am >,<
ddens qOrt ENG PERIOD ;D
watch-ed DR JEKYLL&MR HYDE =x
nn dens iish RECCESS ;
ddens eat nth . juz drrink 1milO =x
ddens ish MATHS .
1period iish maths vocalbulary ? siao -.-
ddens do crossword puzzle ;
whole kllash GG =x
cOz . whole klash at most 5/17 ;
mostly iish 0&1 ;D
ii qOrt 0 * =X
thxthx ^^
ddens we qO cOm lab1 ;
dO dda fkinq lunchbOx prOqramme ;
irene sae we dO wrOnq . bt nvms . ard done is done >,<
nO way tu redo it aqn .
dens alicia NOSE BLEED AQN ? .-.-
ddens alicia hlp me** -.-
juz sit dere do nth ; nn ii juz TYPE TYPE TYPE ;
ddens wanqinq do 2nd part ;
dens . left 2min .
we nid to print out . fk dda printer la ;
printer spoil . kip cant print ; ii siao . dens hit da printer dam hard .
when print-inq . cher SCOLDSCOLDSCOLD ;
den push all da blame to me ? ii juz sae . WAIT cher -.-
alrights .MYE FAULT kae . da PRINTER is ii BOUGHT de .
ddens print-ed out . alicia qO qib . cher SHOUT at her .
NAME ? -.-
dens ii kip CALL-ING to zhihwee -.-
eediot him . sho Lonq den hear ?
bt nvms . oso qib . when writinq . he juz sae .
BOTH 2GROUPS STAY BACK ? . den ii was lyk wtf ue ; eediot cher ;
den ii run out qib >,<
all blame me ? bt ii save da day rite ? -.-
wadever ur sae lluh ;
den we qort history iin comlab1 too ;
dOne prOject ;
histOry On pulau ubin& chek jawa -.-
ii find dao siao ; den print out qib cher ;
dens after sku . qO npcc meetinq ;
dens zhihwee tish morniqn told me ;
ddey all qot tuh ATC ? .
nn DARREL bluff me -.-
he sae he din qO . he qO -.-
nn make me nO qO niah ;l
shO ii juz qO ask .
ii oso dun noe am ii qOin anot ?
cOz nid qO find mrWONG ferh ATC FORM ;
qOne HOD's rOOm ;
mrWONG nort iin ? . suah .
tml qO . hOpe he's in ? -.-
ddens tmll ish da startinq of meet-dda- parents session -.-
iim Nort qOIin to ask mye parents qO luh ;
juz tell mdmANG ;x
ue wan qib me report book jiu qib . ii dun qib a damn ! -.-
nn ii qOrt hOme ; bathe & eat .
iin susie qrim 1round . tio nth .
nn qOne bOwqirl pq wib paikia baby&jere -.- ?
ffun uh ? kip wiin ;x .
kae . ii qO lluh .
felt shO duulan now siaks -.-
buaii all ~
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