8:34:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

iima PIGG ! :D
iie slept at 6pm lastnite ,
dens str8 slp till todae morninq 9am ! (:
aww , 15HOURS of slp ! :D
soo HAPPIIE . hahas .
soo sweet oso , LMAOS :X
sry ferh all e LATEREPLYS of SMS & CALL worh -.-''
so yeap , morninq was sms-inq wib wq ,
qone buqis wib her ,
peii her buy skinnie -.-''
dens mrt-ed down tuh vivo ` :D
ps luh , was late ,
srysrysry , 1000x of sry ! T_T
hahas , soo FARRNIE ~ quess wad happen , hahas
we took e train tuhwards HOUGANG -.-''
but we're at outram , soo yea ,
ply-inq wib a PRIsku boi , lmaos .
dens when we heard , LITTLEINDIA , felt so wronq .
whye littleindia ? -.-''
hahas , so yea , qet down in boonkenq ? x.x "
iiyahs .dunnoe lahs . LOLS =x
was soo habinq fun & enqross wib e boiboi lor , x.x "
hahas , dens took mrt , saw a qqer ,
dam look lyk PINGGJIEJIE nehs =x
hahas ,, din took her num as jie TOLDDD =x
lmaos , so xiasway ard cans . -_-"
dens qone vivo shopshop ,
nn str8 qone ply e playqround ?
childish us ,
allthouqh we're 14 , but hey .
we're still KIDS alriqhts ~ =x
1dae nvr sae we ownself kids , even thouqh we're 41 ,
if our hearts rrr kidsss , we can oso ply lyk kids lorr ! (:
so yea , hahas , 2 14yr-old de siaoCHAbor ,
qone sit on e ROUNDROUDN tinqqy -.-'
so yea , alot of pics of TKEN ,
but sad to sae ,
w8 till wq uploaded , & ii'll uploadd here too !
quys , juz WAIT ferh our fotos alriqhts ! (:
after ply-inq , qone e waterwater luh ! =x
so miss e time in vivo wib pinqJIE manxzx ,
nn oso mani other qans , hahas (:
dens splash-inq water at wq ,
but MOST FUN de is ,
iie spllash till her wholebody was WET ! -.-'
dens saw wq's fwen ,
so yea , she emo ,
& ii ply wib her fwen ,
ohyea , dey same sku as us too ! =x
makes us skumates manxzx ,
iim her senior ? haas ! (:
dens spllashinq , till we both rr wet !
dens ddey qone shop-inq ,
sit-ed dere awhile , & we qooo shop-inq too (:
hahas , shopshop & plyply awhile , & mrt-ed hhome :D
soo cuute ! :DD lols =x
shoooo yea , qone hhome ,
mye toe ishx BLISTER ! )):

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