10:05:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

iimma so HYPER now [: . HAHA :XX
okays , juz cme back frm templle wibb msONGKL [: .
hahahs , okay , juz let mie bloq abt YTDD [[: .

-8/2/09 :D .
ohqoshh , ie woke up realli dam llate ie swear , D: .
& whe ie wake up , th first to sms was derrius -.-''
mye maplebaby :D <3>
hahahas , he's juz so cute lahh , he's frm JVSS , lmaoo :x
near baddieh's sku ya ? [:
hahahs , dens start-ed watchinq tv ,
after tt jiuu maple-eddd awhile [:
derrius's at his fwen's hse , so bobiAN lor ,
& he's dota-inqq , LMAOOS :XXX
&& when he's too obsess-ed wib mye sms , he DIEDDD , LOL ! :XX
iie was lyk cursinqq hhim all tt , HAHA [: .
& oso , he told-ed mie he wanna jio a qirl on v.dae manxzx ,
qooddluck boy <333>
hahas , maplemaplemaple ,
mye pirate lv 33 lluh , YAY ;
mye bs lv 146 lluh , althouqht nvr lv ,
but qot news tinqs , YAY :X .
& oso , toktoktok wib mye KYOOOdarllinq [: ;
haahhas , he's so cute , & he's llv 128 now [: . qqrats :xx
hab-ed a SS-SESSION wib hhim , && we qot a heart-to-heart chairr [[: .
let ur see th pics ltrr , HAHA :D .
& after tt , on9 msn , findin mye chDADDIE ,
wanna ask hhim teach mie dnt {; .
tqq daddie ferh th 1Oprobs :xx
HAHA [: . & at abt afternoon ,
walk-ed to kL's hse & she pei mie qo bishanPARK 'RUN' .
oh , we're soo harddworkinq , HAHA [: .
so suan rite , roflmaos :x
HAHA [: . ddens after tt , jiuu home-eddd wibb kL to her hse , [: <33>
chat-ed awhile & home-edd ,
eat-ed crabbsss <3>

-9/2/09 :D
todae we'dd a MATHStest , ohqosh ,
din study ferh it , ahhs , ferhqet it D: .
okays , todae morninq was fine , coz ie wkeup dam earlie to make mye hairr [[: .
firstdae qoin to sku wib a newnewnewhairstylee ,
which ie nvrnvrnvr cut b4 manzxz , HAHA [: .
ddens walk-ed to sku , qot spotcheck in e morninq ,
dam fkinqq bored ie swear ,
tio cauqht mye frinqe & hair too messy :xx .
& todae ie dam quai , skirts's lonq , socks's hiqhh [[: <3>
HAHA , ddens after tt , qone back class qot CE [: .
cherr bouqht us DRAWERR ferh each of us [: .
&& cher oso ask us to make a JINGLE / POEM / SONG on total defenceee :x
ie made 1 , LOL :X
its ,
'Yo All ,
Lets Defend Siinqapore .
PorneoPorneoPorneo Defend Siinqapoore ;
Dere's .
Total , Civil , Phycholoqical ,
& Dun Ferhqet Th Other 2 ,
Which's Economic & Social ,
PorneoPorneoPorneo Kau Kanoko ,
Wookano Wookano ,
Ekinako [: .
Konichiwa , Swadika , Sayonra' :D
dam nice rite , ohh ,
nxttime if ie qrowup , no jobs rite ,
ie can qo & be a POEMwriter / SONGwriter / JINGLEwriterr [: .
HAHA [: . ddens we chanqe-ed our seats too ,
frm sinqle&solo&alone seats to pairr :DD <3>
seat-ed wibb nicholas at first , but aftertt he qone infront ,
ddens cher ask johnathan sit beside mie ,
so ie decide-ed to sit wibb laytiinn [[: .
we qot maths after tt [: <3
hab a mathstest , on indices - standardforms ,
iie din revise at all ,
but afterall its a retest -.-' , so ie juz nid to REFLASH mye memory yah [: .
hahas , after tt , jiu qot SS , cher din come ,
so freeperiodd , yipee [[: .
& ie start-ed packinq mye stuffs [: .
puttinq all mye books inside it [: . ohohoh <3>
ddens after tt , we qot chinesee [: .
chinese ishx nid to write a story summarry ;
cher read us a story & we nid to write th du hou qan [: .
haas , qot reccess after tt , BOREDD , D: .
ddens we qot dnt & enq [: .
dnt was fine , qone comLAB & do desiqn-inqq ,
sketch out petSOCIETY's items ,
cher tot ie siaoo ,
ie oso sketch out sea -.-' , lmaoos :xx
ask cher abt mye 1oPROBLEMS ,
tmd lah , cher sae inside qot 8needs , 1criteria & 1PROBS ,
& nid 9mor probs , wth -.-'' ,
wann mye life uh , =/
dens after tt , jiu enq , cher said abt smthh , hais ,
dun bother-ed to write on bloq , dam personel ie swear -.-'
coz its journal ya [: <3>
ddens after tt , jiu qone home & bathe ,
walk-ed to kL's hseee [: . she mit mie at her hse'bus-stopp ,
eat-edd dinner at her hse ,
& we qoneee templeeee tqt ,
iim sucha nice&qood qirll , pei her qoo [: .
ddens we sit-ed on th back of th lorry , yipeeesss [: .
wooolahhlahhh :DD:DDD .

as ferh th pics , mye nxtpost den ie uploadd okay ?[: <33

Reply Taqs :
XiaoRene : Uh Harr , Okayyss ;
Shanneen :LOL , suresure , nvms de , slowly okay [: .will link ue asapp dee , fanqxin ;DD .
Sayonraaa <3>
-AIR_BAnqx :YO PENGYOUU [: . will relink-ed uee asap <3>
WeiTinq :wun anqrrie lah , anqrie ferh wad [: .noe jiu noe lluh , HAHA [:
SiYinq :Darrllinqq ! nonid sorry lah , HAHA [[: .qoodd lluh , beta dun ferhqet mie :DDmuackx <3>
XinYan :iim relaxinq & iie'll be HAPPIE dee [: .nopoint sad & cryinq over a spill-ed milk ,
-yays , mye enq's IMPROV-EDD <3 . -smilleee :D

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