llet mie tell ur smth ,
ie scroll-ed pass mye zak`helm , throw 3 3O% down ,
& , ie qot a 22int (: <3>
BUTBUTBUT , qot 1scroll is laopo qib de , LMAOO :D .
okays , 2nd tinq is , ie pass-ed mye scroll on spear for att too ,
its 1O% , <3>
firsttime pass 1O% manzxz , roflsmaos <3>
its lyk so fuqqin happie lah , want-ed to if fail-ed it , juz throw it away ,
butbutbut , its a miracle tt it pass-ed :D . <3>
okay , HAHA :D . shall not elaborate , if not ppl will JEALOUS =x .
lmao (: . maple-ed untill midnite aqn , :O .
its lyk so rare , as promaqe said -_-' , wthh ~ :x .
todae morninq as usual , nearly late aqn ,
dey was lyk , hey qirl , 1min mor , walk faster can , :O ,
den ie was llyk okayokay , but ie still walkinq -_-'
ie nvr late okay :D , imma quaikia <3>
assemblyy is borinq , :O , its happie toilet ,
ddens ddens qot qeoq & chem ,
double period for both , qeoq qet back mye health`booklet ,
woots , nonid qo health checkup at chem`period , :O ,
its lyk , almost th whole class pon chem -_-' , excludinq those qoin health`checkup de :O ,
left 6 / 7 ppl nia , wtf , ie th onli qirl ,
dey so sexist lah , !@#$%^&*( .
dens cher ask us do workbook , den jiu fin liaoo ,
reccess wib kelly , findin herrr llyk siao -_-'
coz we bet-ed , see hu reach canteen first , ie reach first lor , T_T .
she's tortise , LOL (: <3>
okayokay , ie tortise , T.T , ltr tml she come kill mie , 3 span .<>
dens qot enq & chinese , double period aqn ,
1hr of freeperiod (: <3>
wallaus , siva slap ppl manzxz , LOL (: .
he slap-ed kieshore , fyi ; siva = mye 2nd qroup de chem`cher , :O .
he's lyk , wtf lah , everyime ask mie sit infront facinq th whiteboard , LOL :X .
but today nvr , ie dam diam , coz imma sms-inq in mye baq -_-'
butbut he keep walkinq towards mie , LOL (: .
dden he shout-ed dam loud , ' DAMMIT ' ; when he slappinq , :O
after tt was mrSHANMUGAN , :O .
he's mye enq`cher , butbut he relieve enq, mdmISMAIL`period ,
wtf lah , threaten manzxz , he sae , 22ppl nvr passupp , mus tell HOD`enq , -_-'
dammit lah , :O . butbut atleast he beta den siva -_-' ,
in th min-time , mrSHANMUGAN qo liao , den class no cher ,
its lyk chaos la , on sonq lyk :O , rofls ,
butbut its so funn lah , :O .
ddendden chi nxt , wallaus , -_-' , want-ed to qo staffroom tke book for cher ,
but cher dunwan mie hlp , so fuqqin sad lah , :O ,
after tt doin th newspaper cuttinq , den doin zuoye ,
den jiu sayonara liao :O ,
went staffroom find msSASI , butbut she's absent , bobian la , saddist ,
mye SS `AA can qq liao ! :X .
today wanqinq nvr come , she had fever , hope she's alriqht ,
qirl , takecare lots alriqhts (:
msTWINNEH was waitin for mie at foyer , so nice of her ya (: <3>
coz we decide-ed to studyyy in th later part of time , HAHA :O
ddens , so nice of her tt she accompanie-ed mie home && after tt wait-ed mie eat lunch & bathe ;x . soqood for her riqht (: <3>
dens accompanie-ed her own mac buy her lunch , den we tok on th way to her house :D ,
wallaus , ie brinq dam lots of book to her house study -_-'
&& surprisinqly , we did studyalriqhts (: <3>
eat-ed for 1hr , wait her bathe-ed , & we start-ed studyinq , HOHOHO (: <3>
studi-ed chem`bonds first , qosh lah ,
actually want-ed ask her teach mie chem`bonds ,
she oso BLUR-_-' , bobian , balancinq it , she oso dunnoe ,
butbut thanks to her physic`notes (: <3>
HAHA :D . ie did studyy it for awhile , LOL ;
at least ie noe wad her physic`notes is sayinq , LMAO (: .
doin mye maths-assesment , while she doin her dnt , ;
qosh lah , im lyk , bouqht th same book as kellyWONG manzxz (: .
qoshqosh , butbut , she's so fuqqin fast la ,
she at chpt 8 , imma still at chpt 4 , D: .
its lyk , 4chpt back manzxz , omfqwtfbbq @.@ .
nvms , after tt had a heart to heart chat on th wayy home ,
twinnehh is soo qood uh , pei mie home aqn , hope ue're alriqhts uh (: <3
loves - takecareeeeee lots of ur health kae ,
photos now ! (: <3
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