12:37:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

HOHOHOHHO , imma back frm camp ytd ,
& due to TIREDNESS , ._.
ie went sleeeppp & lazy bloqq ,
so decide-ed to bloq today , yipee ? (:
althouqht imma still tiredddd , & ie woke at 10am ? wtf ~
okay , 1st day of campp , ._.
hais , ie tot its miserable lyk CL-CAMP ? ._.
actually its not , its much mor llyk , funn ? (: <3>
qot in a qrroup , choosen a name ,
yeahyeah , ie tink de , yipeee , & yesh
thanks too them hu accept-ed ? (: .
th name's HEARTS .
iie tink of tis name coz of friends & a qame ,
& yes , we're th MOST-LESS ppl de qrrpp , 6ppl nia ,
so ie tink tt , hearts represent us th best ? (:
hearts eachother lyk one , & each letter represents each & 1 of us .
H - Hafis .
E - YiXun .
A- Atikah .
R - JiaXinq , ie chanqe-ed it to RuiXinq , LOL ! , ahma mai scoldd mie :xx .
T - MieeMieeeMieee ! supposely imma S , butbut dey zack want-ed S , LOL :D
S - Zack .
hahahas , as for qroupcheer , & everytinq , we tink tqt ,
yeah , surprise to noe tt imma same qroup wib hafis&yx ._.
tot ie would be same wib kzh instead ? HAHA :X ,
yeah 2sec1s && 1sec2 :D ,
it doesn't affect ani of us even thoouqh our aqe qap is ._.
but huu cares :X , we qot th bestGROUP (: .
hoho & HYX qotten th bestCAMPER . XianqTinq qotten th bestCAMPER too :x
claps for both - :D
firstdae was nth . drills & bunk tinqqy .
wasn't sleepin wib ahma,vera&tinqmei ,
but ie sleepinq wib ainn (: , yeah , our bunk onli 2sec3s , wow ~ :xx .
ahma's fierce . - scaredd D: .
hahahas ! . 2nd day morninq , was supposed to wake at 530am ? ._.
& instead , we wake at 525am ? coz vera dey all come & call us .
done eveerytinq & went eat breakfast ,
qoshh , bus-ed down to HTA , & ie qotten 15 points for shootinq ._.
ie yan qiu it for 2years , in e end th result is WTF ,
ie qot 2 IA & th revolver TOU SE de ! ._.
hpe sec1&sec2s was fine w/o us :D ,
ie tink their reportinq juz rox llah , mye best camp ever liao -.-
ie nvr had a campp soo funn , LOL ;D ,
our qrrp qot th most crappiest person in e world make it so hyper & enthu ? -.-
& yes , we qotten first for caterpillar qame ,
its team-buildinq qame , althouqht yx wasn' with us ,
coz he went for dnt . but we still can do w/o him , yipee .
llearn-ed smthh , its ,
we mus realli trust eachother for everytinq ? ._.
if not , tinqs wun turn out qood , but instead, it will turn out worse ,
as for th lastqame , - trust fall .
we mus trust our 6ppl hu's holddinq th qround sheet which we're jumppinq down on ,
hais , ie realli dunnoe wad to sae seriously ,
qot amazinq race , its funn , seriosly (: ,
yx wasn't wib us aqn , wtf ~
walk to each stationn , tink of th tinqs , & hlp each otherr ,
does it realli bond us upp ? hais ` .
tis camp , seems lyk make sec3s bond-ed ?
eh ? HAHA :D .

was campfire at th niqht , combine-ed wib rc (: ,
dey not hyperr de , SOBB , OKL oso not hyper ._.
duh , ain most hyper le lah , LOL @
mye qrrp oso hyper lyk dunnoe wad :x
suppose to performm when our turnn ,
we somekind of forqot tinqs , LOL :X ,
play kidnapp after tt , amirul,ahma,seantan,ain,jinlonq & mie tio kidnap .
chat-ed awhile & all fall asleep in np-room ._.
when dey come in find us ,
wad we will sae was ,
wyhye so earlie come find us ? we still wan sleepp ! ;x
okay , 3rdday was sec4s`pop ,
kzh&mie was th fllaq bearer , ohqosh ,

amirul&ahma squad i/c , while seantan was pc (:
ie swear , imma not qoin to BE FLAG BEARER AGAIN ._.
henq , kzh,seantan&mie coordinate well ? haha (:
kzh was sloow when he's tyinq , HAHA :X ,
yah , coz skuflaq down first , so ofcoz imma fast (: ,
but ie hate when we 2 salutinq tqt ._.
den everybody lookinq , coz infront of mie was TOs & CIs ? -.-'
behind is sec1s-sec4s , wth ~
ie tink kzh was mor stress den mie , HOHO :X .
seantan most stress , he semura dam loud , ._.'
nvms , after tt , chionq to AVA ROOM & settle wib dem ,
after tt , when sec4s come in , was POP mah ,
so video & everytinq ,
hoho , hope dey llyk our sashhh title manzxz (: ,
qoodluck sirs&mdm for O & N level ;D ,
sec3s all criedd , even thouqht ie tot , vera was th most aizai one nvr cry ,
in e end she oso cry when its time for jolene&cheryl mdm qive us our envolope .
dun tell ur wad dey wrote for mie , but its touchinq ,
yeah , when th annual`camp video is up , ie'll put here , (: .
Bye quys , TAKECARE :D ,

hais , whye mus every start . mus hab an endinq ?
whye cant tinqs juz stay as it is ? .
yeah , realli dunwann ur qo manzxz ,
althouqht we're tkinq over ,
but , its realli dam hard to accept th fact ,
llyk lettinq qo of ur ,
haiis , tried to control th tearrs manzxz ._.
butbut , cant , difficult ,
if time can rewindd ,
iie wan to treasure urr aqnn ,
jYs for N&O`s level aqn , :D .

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