9:49:00 AM YILIN (: 0 Comments

Thurs -
Ohmanzxz , seems tt time realli flies ,
everytinq's so much mor diff & it oso endd-ed fuqqin fast ._.
went skuu on tt day & oso out wib babe (: .
shall skip tt day in sku , coz ie totally forqotten wad ie DONE ._.
& yes , ie GOT mye IC on WEDNESDAY (: ,
soo happiieee ;x . coz its lyk , everybody's pic was pin-ed up hair ,
while mine was not tied / pin :x . same pic as mye ezlink- ! (:
Yeah , - CHEERS :D .
was suppose to be stay-inq at home watchinq TV :D .
but , ie went out pei her tke specs ._.
& shop-ed ard :D .
ie nearly forqotten mye wallet , mye stm's becominq mor serious liao ._.
hmms , after tt , went-home ,
yeah , both emo-humans ._. , walkinq lyk a corpse ._.
Fri - .
CCa was stop & it will be resume by nxtweek ,
had PE as th first 2perriod ,
took-ed mye heiqht&weiqht (: ,
imma taller bu 2CM :D .
161cm . - <3>
& mye weiqht's still same as USUAL , nvr fat nor slim ._.
after tke , went ply badminton wib wy,caleb,kzh,nicky :D .
after awhile , zul&irshath came alonq ._.
so in e end ie compete wib zul :x . HAHAHA :D .
heyy ! ur dun xiaoKAN small-GIRL okay , :X . -SMILE :D .
skali ie can jump hiqher dden ur . hu noes ? :P .
so yeap , er after tt was SS&MATHS (: /
ss was relief aqn , doin th hw tt suppos-ed to do & sms-inq wib people (: .
maths was fine oso , pay 8bucks for th assesment'book :D .
rawrr , if tis time mye maths still fail , mye 8bucks FLY , ie can CRY untill siaoo liao ._.
hahahas , so yeaps , went reccess wib kelly (: ,
quarrell-ed wib somebody .
duh , shan't pollute her name in mye bloq . it juz dirty it :D .
went back class & see wq compete reversi wib kzh ;D.
LOSER sia ._. , LMAO .
benjin came alonq & cont ply-inq (: ,
after tt . chi ;D .
chi period , seems lyk time flies lyk after a blink of eye , its 145pm le ._.
ie str8 home after tt , w/o qoin mtq ._.
went home chanqe-ed le , den rmb ._. , its ard 215pm._.
chionq back wib mye hair clip-ed wib a butterfly-clip ._.
it look dam awful , D: .
ie clip untill , side-ways ? HAHA :D .
den went staff-room wib ahma , while ahma was holdinq apple-drinks ._.
zai luh , we run ._. .
llyk run untill whr oso qot cher._.
after tt . we cont our ' catchinq ' ._.
awhile mor , dey went novena for cl - shirt , while mie went home & ahma went back sku ;
:D . went home & qo downstair check th upqraddinq stuffs ._.
rofls , after tt jiu went home & ie bath-ed & sleep untill at nit ;D . <3>
msn-inq wib monster dey all & oso baddieh & sf :D .
& ie chanqe-ed mye bloq-SKIN too ,
bored of th prev-skin ._.
when imma free , i'll put in th ' Beloveds ' cateqory :D .
Sat - .
imma qoin ahmaHOUSE sooN :D .
shall edit when imma back (: .

Taq Reply ;
Kw : Duh , ue maths-freako wad , imma not , ie anti-maths can :D . LOL :X . missya manzxz , mit soon hor ;D . -SMILES .
Randy : LOL , tq for th taq MONSTER :D . mai emo le hor , cookie so qood , 24/7 here for ue (: . HAHA .
Jerome : LOL , ie told-ed ya on msn le riqht , LMAO , ue slow reaction siak ._. , ie wrote dere so lonq nw den ue noe uh ? ._. , slow-POKE :D . tq for th edit ytd :D . DICTIONARY ROX <3>
Baddie : hahas , tq for th taq baddieh & ur fwen ' priya ' :D . hope she accept th invitation uh , hahas , ue hlp mie phycho her luh ! (: , i'll smile always , ue too . loves <3>


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