7:30:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

LoveyDovey ; D: .
ie wonderr when will ie be loveydovey wib 1mor person aqn , ): .
hais ~

aniwayys , ie chanqed mye skin after so friqqin lonqTIME [:
& pretty inlove wib it . LOL <3>
hahahahs , edit a lil , coz th oriqinal's lyk so fuqqin plain lah ,
machiam funeral's bloq lyk tt , wtf ~ D: .
opps :x , HAHAS .
yeah , suppose to GO HOME EARLY TODAE , coz imma tired ,
instead , ie qone home soo late ~ D: ,
530pm-6pm+ ? x.x ,
okays , had assembly , chem & phy in th morninq ,
suddenly inlove wib chem&phy back aqn :x ,
butbut onli afew chpts niah , LOL ,
rofls , btw , nerdy roxthuniverse hurh . <3>
did experiment durinq chem`lesson ,
th w'tock sit-ed at mye sit wib his 'laopeh , mr d'chua , :D .
so decid-ed to FLY over to wq's sit <3>
LOL , we tke turns to put th chemical & stuffs :x
phy , hais , GG manzxz ._.
th lesson on conduction , convection & radiation one ,
imma chit-chattinq wib kzh for th whole 2periods ._.
& den , th kzh , machiam 1nub at dere sae ,
iyah , ie dunnoe luh , wtf , D: , smartass yi qe =/
wah , if if if ie fail-ed mye upcominq test , kzhh , ue'reee qonna be deadd !@ RAWRR :X , LOL
nvms , imma kind , HEHE :) .
reccess- wib th tortise aqn ,
we made a promise to qo japan nxtyr ? :x ,
sku de , oversea proqramme ._. ,
denden we sae ,
hu nvr qo , will become , bastard , bitch , wu qui wanq ba dan ,
lotlotlots of stupid words luh :x , <3>
okay , had maths & el after tt .
todae all is dble-period ._.
had a surprise-test in maths lesson ,
butbut its a open-book test .
so shuld be okay ;D ,
eL , chit-chattinq wib wq & cos aqn ._. ,
& sms-inq wib s.tan :D .
we dam stupid one ,
our class juz beside eachother , we still smsinq , LMAO ! :X .
heyyaaaa , had np-meetinq ,
imma th captainn <3>
& dey sae ,
wah , yilin become captain , we can forqet abt 1st 3awards / trophy liao ): .
WALLAU , sae mie untill ie lyk dam jialat like tt ,
wtf , ie short niah :x , altho ie short ,
&& , ie special , on tt dae ,
ie ask dem put 1 chair , when dey throw th ball , ie hit down can liao (: ,
wad a pro idea ie tink off <3>
eh , had chem-remedial aftermaths ,
wib wy , wq , c ;D ,
yays , ie finally noe how to sort out those thouqhts on mye mind liao ,
thanks ms,l (: . <3>
hahahs . went find o.kl , hi to kt & t :D ,
WAH , th jokerr at dere keep sae kl , ie luffinq so friqqin hardd :x , LMAO :D .
yeah , had a heart-to-heart session wib kL aftermaths , jiu home le ,
qosh , 2ndOCT's th startinq of mye paper liao ,
ie qonna muq NOW , NOW , NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ! :D

Overdue peektures (:

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