11:38:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

WORKWORKWORKtodayyy & its so SHAGG , D: ,
okays , qot remedial in e morninq ,
late for half an hr , so had qeoq for half an hr & maths cher no come ,
so went bakc home , afternoon ,
went hospital wib mamie to see qan-ahma , :o
saw aw's stead otw , hahah ;D ,
qosh , went deree , mye eyes lyk water tap ._. ,
wtf , D: , suddenlyy heart so painn ,
& i dunnoe why , ._.
touch her wrist , its all bonney ,
qosh , its scary , she keep open&close her eyes ,
somehow showinq a siqnal saeinq , she forqet mie ?
& also , rmb mie , LOL ,
yeah , miserable D: ,
went work after tt :D ,
work's funn ie swear ,
not many ppl comee , but alot of human is so UNREASONABLE lor , ._.
please ! ~!@#$%^&*( .
went home at 10pm , but , reach home ard 1030 or 1045 , ._.
imm tireddd ,
tml work in orcharddd , D: , BYEEE D: .

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