7:09:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

:D:D ,
ytd's th reopen of sch after like 2months ? or 1months plus of holidayys ,
woohooos , :X ,
aint' happy , esp almost all e chers is th same , ._."
some of th cher even teach-es us mor den 2yrs or 3 , D':
HAIS , aniw , ytd morninq is raininq ,
& went hall for assembly ,
ohyes , i re-read my 'NewMoon' , ._."
ie read to 250PG & ie decide to re-read it againn ! HOHO :D
im on th 132pG naozxz , JYJY {: .
alriqhts , ytd was borinqq ie swear ,
is all talks' by cher & principal ,
930/10am den went back class awhile ,
select comitee , den jiu reccess ,
& after tt went bck hall aqn ,
for some talks' on N&O's ,
wtf , so fast , )':
6thSept's th N' alrdys , roflmaos ,
time flies ! D':
oh yes , end sku ard 145pm :D ,
tag alonq wib kzh to tke his bro frm his class :o
LOLOL , MsL tot im her s1'class too ! YAYS :D
SeanT , tis banqalah shouttinq frm lvl1 to lvl2 ,
saeinq mie&kzh tt , we're S1s , wtf , )':
beinq sec1s not qood meh ? means we nian qinq okay ! not lyk yous , laoren yi qe , bleks :x
hooho , he's havinq mtq on th 'Chinqay' thinggy ,
beinq a motivator wib strangers beta , or beinq a balloonist aqn wib npcc'fwens ? ,
confused ! but wadever , i had chosen motivator , & i tink i'll hab funn wib it :D
contented :3 ,
had lessons today ,
qoshh , journal'entry & phy'hw is askinq mie too qo over & qet it doneee ,
arqhs , )': ,
s4'sux ,
esp when u're a DnT'student and ue hate dnt ttm , it'll be hell manzxz , ._."
had chi , eng , maths , dnt & phy today ,
chi is yicklaoshi , eng is msK , maths ie still msW , dnt is still mrT ,
but phy , seperated to 2classes , im wib mrsS ,
arqhs , in e morninq jiu tio cauqht frinqe ,
went back class , tio shoot hair by tt yicklaoshi ,
._." , eediotic ting to start th day la , D':
eng's fine , had games ! :D
& had a 'Test' ,
dam stupid one , ROFLS , :X
maths is fine too ,
dnt' is th worst ,
qoinq thhru' past ppl de desiqnjournal ,
for reference , min50paqes , )':
my desiqnjournal onli lyk 40 or 30+ paqes ,
& its kzh tt pack everyting for mie,
een artefact oso tis baskethaoren hlp mie do onee ,
ie cui le laa ~ ))':
start-ed light today , she's goodddd ! :D
went back homee ,
went buyy boookkks :D ,
yeahyeahyeah , im off tooo books , <3>
overdued , :D

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