9:16:00 AM YILIN (: 0 Comments

myeGOSH :X .
soo earrlie wake leis todae ;x
coz iie wan bloq ;x . qoin back sleep ltr (:
was fever now . yesyes ;x
16/10/08 ` -.-'
its a fkinq nice thurs lahs ;x .
post-exam activities hab started ;
everytinq was fine till afternoon ;
morninq qot workshopp ;
its about sexual tinqqy -.-'
dens cyber-wellness ;
after tt was nicenice . e totaldefencebadqe test ;
was so fk lahs .
express soo wad ? -.-''
iie let ue do e pairwork's project ;
in e end everybody qone home ;
we're still doin e 2NDques niah ;
++ . its a REPORT ;
quys , report nid write ques1,2,3 ? -.-'
its COMMONSENSE lahs qqer ;
ahma , ue noe hu iim refer-inq too uh . -.-'
e qqer hu SHOUT-ED SAMBAPOO ~ :D
was sooo anqrie lor ;
actually is mit-ed wib selinasweetie tuh swim ;
zz . if ue let mie do earlier ;
we sure can done fin lonqaqo ;
wad a EXPRESSS's qer siiols -.-
yeah . soo at nite . surf-iinq net tuh find job -.-'
found a IT-TRAINER derh ;
lauqhts . tmll qoiin call her luhs . ((:
hoppe meii&miie can qet e job manzxz . <3
17/10/08 `
alriqhts . its a FRI . ((:
was promotion's dae todae ;
soo no sku . (:
actually todae was tuh qo sentosa wib cliques ;

as xy ishx qoin back china ;
so yea . in e end its cancel ;
as her mother had fever ;
so its xfer tuh sat . (:
ddens morninq , 10am . qone tke bus ;
& mit wib sweetie aqns . ((:
we ytd boh qo swim . chanqe it tuh todae .
yeahyeah . qone swim & qym . lmaos
quess wad , sucha 2dumbo walk-inq & run-inq & play-inq in e stupidRAIN . -.-'
qone back sweetie's hse , chanqe shoes ;
run back tuh qym , dey sae inappropriate attire ;
-'- lahs . cans 1time sae all e *DON'T* tinq ? -.-
okae . soo after tt . qone back her house ;
was walk-inq back .
walk-inq iin e rain . lmaos :x
nn yes . call-inq e JOB's number ;
she said she'll call-ed mie iin 1/2daes time ? -.-
yeaps . soo was soo borred when reach sweetie's hse . ):
play-ed wib professorRO . (:
professorRO . ur're sucha PRO . LOLL (:
after tt . sweetie pei mie walk back home ;
zzz . fall-down on e fkinq stairs ;
leq was bleedinq profusely ;
fk lor . everybody watchinq mie ;
mye slipper iishx blood all over -.-'
so she qone & buy / tke plaster ? -.-
yeah . slowly 1step at a time walk-inq tuh mit her ;
was soo pain lahs ;
its not leq ; its finqer -.-'
iie mean leq's finqer . LOLS (:
ddens e flesh juz drop out -.-' .
its lyk someONE is pushinq mie frm behind ;
hais . iie hope is mye illusion nia ? -.-
after tt . qone buy bbtea wib sweetie ;
& yes . she qone band . & iie qone home . (:
nn abt 6.40pm , qone tke bus , yeah .
nn tke mrt tuh yishun . (:
mit mei in yishun's mrt ;
nn tke churchBUS tuh church ;
omfq , abiqail . iie diin saw ue manxzx . D: .
saw dam lots of shuaiqe lahs . (:
iim juz mad over dem , qot 1quy ;
qot put on make-upp ;
he's so mi-REN lahs -.-''
yeah . pastor was tok-inq abt ;
true & best fwens . -.-'
when she's tokinq on tis topic ;
mind was full of cliques & baddie & qans .
cliques , rr ur true / best fwens ? -.-''
aniways . ie duncare luh ;
even we're not ;
even ur're kip sabo-inq eachother ;
iie duncare luh ;
i'll juz enjoy e precious & happie moments wib ur ;
if we're aint fated . ur / mie . will natuarally fade . (:
oh , its chim . hahas . (:
after tt . slack outside . see shuaiqe ;
nn tke churchbus tuh mrt ;
& sae qoodBYE tuh mei le . (:
sms-inq wib baddie . omfq ;
tq baddie keep peii mie sms lahs ;
if not iie sure sleep iin bus&mrt -.-''
iim feelinq soo sick ;
reach home at 9.30pm , str8 sleep -.-'
18/10/08 `
omfq , its TODAE . sat . (:
ddin qone sentosa or wadever ;
its cancel aniways . (:
ddens . was hab-inq fever when iie woke upp ;
recieve-ed zzc's sms . (:
omfq , boii . dunnid sorrie lahs ;
qoo study alriqhts ;
if uur realli tired , jiu forqet abt sms mie le ;
after ur O's , we'll hab lots of time de . ((:
okaee . iie qoin bk sleep le ;

soooo tired . )):

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