8:36:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

Illusion , Stress , Power , (!!) ,
so freakinq PISS & ANGRI NOW MANZXZ , -'- YOUU , D:
qoshh , its lyk ,
ytd din bloq & ie rlly did had a nice revisinq time :D
hahahs , its qood okays , was studyinq mye maathhhs ! :D
done-ed th paper alrdiies , & imma so freakinq proud of it (: ,
okay , had chem , phy , maths & eL ytd ,
chem was so friqqin BORRED ,
butbut was sittinq wib cliques , so quite fun tooo :D .
buahahas , phy was , LOL , ie qot back mye paper & ie qot a pass :D ,
henqhenq , butbut not top1 lyk last paper ); ,
had 19//25 . so pathetic ? ._. ,
nvms , ie like can liao , HAHAHAS :D .

maths was doinq paperrrr ,
eL was doinq mye qeoq-stuffs ._.

den after sku ,
went find mrANG ,
butbut in e end find msMA to qo dyss for some stuffs ,

so its postpone in e end coz of some matters ,
so we decide-ed to head down to V's hse ,
actually is kzh's ,
butbut v's ahma is sick ,
nidda tc of her ,
so we qo dere & do our (P) instead :D
had fun dere as well as crackinq our brains lyk sot liao ._.
& imma tired , as imma brinqinq LOTSLOTSLOTS of fk-inqbook home ,
funny tinq is , ie bump-ed into someone on bus ! :D:D .
hahahahs , so funfunfun <3>
went home ,
start-ed studyyinqq :D ,

todae had dnt , eL , ss , qeoq & mathhs :D ,
dnt was fine , & morninq was self-studyy ,
ie studied qeoq , impt of rivers ,
ONCE STUDIED , durinq qeoq-lesson can use liao ,

LMAO , qot 1ques on it , so luckie (: .

buahhhas . okayys :x ,

qiven cher mye dnt-desiqnjournal ,

den had back testpaper ._.

wasn't a qoodmark afterall :/
12/30 , D: ,
denden class wan to sue tinqs ,
dam joker sia , AHAHA ;D ,
eL was lyk so friqqin bored , ): ,
haad a chat wib wq & a , LOL , :D ,
ahahas , reccess-ed wib k & kt :D ,

ss period was fun , sitt-inq wib p , a & vick :D ,

vick was a JOKER lah ! ._.

keep make mie luff , still sae ,

stop qivinq mie tt fck-inq face , freak you ): ,

sucker lah ! !@#$%^&*()
still act 1 quaikia , lmaos :x ,

denden qeoq was okayy , maths was free period ;D ,

after sku , head-ed down to vera's hse AGAIN with st & zh ,
butbut before tt ,
went dwwn to dyss ,
had everytinq done ,
went her house to settle ,
hais , din rlly settle everytinq manzxz ,

nid lots lots lots of information which we dun rlly hab it ._.
shaq ! D: ,
den acc th 2quys back to hub ,

dey went for their dinner & ie bus-ed home :D:D ,
imma tired , iie wanna sleep :x ,

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