1:33:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

Afterrnoonn Guyys ((: ;
iim bloq-inq soo fuqqin earrlie todae , -.-'
okays , todae was CHRISMASS ! ((:
Yipee :x . Muahahas ,
iim qona rot mye wholedae at home todae , (: <3>
okays ,, ytd was eve , WOOT :X
qone out wib kl aqnns ((: .
ohmye , tish fewdaes , everydae out wib her siak , -_-" . -faints .
ddens we took 88 , muahaha ,
cre8-ted a BIGBIGBIG JOKE on bus manzxz ,
iie totally noface liao , -_-" .
bllahs , quyyss , th joke ishx .
-drumrolllss ! :D:D:D .
YEAH , iim fall-ed down on ppl -.-''
imaqine a 8Okq qqer , fall-eddown on 2 ppl , -_-" ,
iie was sms-inq wib baddieh&pinqJIEJIE ,
& tokinq tuh kL ,
& nvr balance hoho ,
iie FALL-ED DOWN , D: .
mye head was on th inside's ppl sit , & mye leq was on th outside's ppl sit ,
everybody on bus was lyk lauqh-inq , -_-" ,
& when ie standupp , iie was lauqhin-inq thhhh most loud , -.-''
dam farrnieh luh ! :D:D .
&& iie fall-eddown th 2nd time aqns , (!) .
ie fall-ed down on th ahqonq , -.-''
he diao mie , D: .
so ie told kL tuh chanqe standinq place ,
after awhile , we sit-edd :D:D .
soo , reach-ed ps'inter lliao , qone rushh ferh 354 ? :D:D .
oh , its aint tt crowdedd -.-' , phew =x ,
after tt , we qone www ((: , she's BLINDCAT (:
bo wear spec , MUAHAHA :X .
&& we qone ply e river :x ,
was call-inq out ferh a quy , -.-''
&& he's juz soo kindd of hhim , dunwan chanqe tubes wib mie , ): ,
eediot quy , -_-" ,
& iie banq onto him , -blek ! x: .
dere's 6 of dem , iie slowly banq all , LMAO :X
iie kick , iie banq , iie punch , buahahaha :D:D .
okays , -.-'' , dens we qone ply ulah-lah (: ,
yay , we solo-edd :D:D ,
th lasttime we ply , we're shoutinqqq ,
not we scared lei ,
ishx our tube inside qot a bee , -_-" ,
iie shout-ed , den she shout , den ie folo her shout , den she folo ie shout oso ,
LMAO :X . stupid us (:
after tt , we ply-ed th 2-sit de oso (:
sooo ffun ! :D:D .
but she dunwan ply aqn , so bobian , D: .
den we ply-ed th wave oso :D .
diao llahs , we floodfloodflood until 1.8m -.-'' ,
whye iim sooo short ): , cannot rreach th floor , LMAO :X
&& iim wear-inq lens , -.-'' , qodqodqod , D:
okays , den we ply-edd till 5plus - 6plus ? ;
& bathhe-edd & bus-ed home (: ;
she qet-down earlier den mie , soo ie alone luh , D: .
onfone wib hher ; & sms wib baddieh (: .
soo fuN , & at nite msn-ed wib banqalah hpy (: ,
banqalah , dun sad lluh , (: , dun worry too kae :x ,
iie noe ue'll read , MUAHAHA :D ,
iie can read minds :D:D . <3
ue oso stop ur cb`here&cb`dere uh , vulqlarr =x . muahaha :D .
ddens todae morrninq ,
ie done-ed a niceJOBBBB ferh baddieh =x ,
Baddieh , Wait till Jan6 , & our 12month anniversary is up (: ,
Muahaha , Bye all :D

okays , tis's th fotos tt mie&ONGKAILING took ytd (:


okays , its 12am ! (:
xmas ishx overr , && yea , 2mor daes to jenavemami&pekyeeahyi's bdae (:
3mordaes to baddieh bdae (:
5mordaes to kailin bdae (: ;
muahahas , okays ,
iie done a beryberybery bad tinq todae afternoon when im qoin eat dinner , :/
sobbs , ): ,
sms-ed wib knsKORKOR uh , ohh korr :D
qoin out wib him , kailinq & shan`zhinu on sat maybe :D
muahahas , he's qibinq mie PIG`PLUSHIE :X
YAY . look-inq ferward siol :D .
ohyes , finally , waixinqren , zhonq yu xianq tonq liao (:
he'has qone NS , :D
its been so lonq since we tok , -_-'
okays , miss-inq hiim , but realli hope he's alriqht ,
&& all th best tuh him ferh his follow-inqDAE :D
muahahas ; , so happie now (:
ohohoh :D:D .
now on fone wibb AW ((: , woo ,
he's back frm a trip to dunnoe whr :x
okays , he's boxim , ):
sobb ! D: .
buahahas , iie qooo lliaoo ((: , sayoo all :D:D

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