4:06:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

Ohmy , iim bloqqinq so fuqqin earrlie todae , -_-'
qot qoodnews&badnews ferh todae ,
kindda sad when ie heard smth ,
hais ` ,
qoodnews ishx , HAPPIEBDAE BADDIIE ! ((:
kohxinyan ishx now aint a XIAOMEIMEI animorrr ! MUAHAHHA =x

butbutbut , badnews ishx ,
mc sms-ed mie juz nw , she said she nxtyr wun be in tis sku animorr ,
ohmy , xy , wq , amelia , mc , all qone ?
selina ishx qoin tuh be qone soonsoon too ? x.x'
ie dunwanna be left out in th class manzxz , :/
okays , she said todae ishx th lastoutinq luh ,
but saddist , ie cant out , -sorriie , ): .
haishx , ytd nite most sway lluhh ,
ie on tv ferh th EXACT-TIME ,
ie zhunzhun 00.00am , sms-ed happiebdae tuh baddie ,
in e end iim th 3rd , -_-
mamah lah ! th first 2 cfm ishx not exact-time de lorr , eediot , )):
soo sad lah , T_T . D: .
bllahs , dens todae rot at homee , muahaha :x
kL todae qot orientation camp , D: .
blahs , hope she hab fun ? (: .
Muahahas , Bye all . <3

Susie1234559 Wish-es Baddieh A Happie14thBdae ((:. <3

Muahaha :x Thanks ferh th pics tt wq made ferh us alriiqhts ,
HappyMoments tt will not be Forqott-en ! [:

p/s : dun care abt mye unqlam pics (: =X

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