11:43:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

iim juz sososslack at home . (:
myeqod , din qo out tt dae bah ? ;
muahhahas . ;
thurs ,
ohyes , mit-up wib ahma&vera .
bllahs . cnnot sae wad we dooin .
but its fun ? (:
after tt . afternoon , decide-ed to mit cm at hub .
saw kL . she DRAG mie on bus ? -.-''
but in e end , iie din tio draqq ,
she shout-edd .
ii sound-ed so bad , sobbs D: /.
fri ,
err , qone for e NPCC-TRAINING ;
rawrrs , it fuqq-in bored . D:
qot PT .
myeqod lahs . we was suppose to run ard e sku ,
iie was at e 2nd position ?
make mie nid run dam fast lahs . ~!@#$%^&*()
but nvms , can make mie slim :x
LOL ! (:
after tt , when we nid chanqe to u-FORM .
iim qoin to appreciationLUNCH soon !
soo off ie qoo ! -POOF ;
qone took bus , bus-ed down to bishanMRT .
saw fadly ! ;
yipee . he pei mie qooo dere . LOL ;
its so scary lahs ? -.-'
ply-ed qame , eat-en 2PIZZA :D:D .
&& iie zhaoo back home .
LOL ! , qone bball court find ahma b4 qoin back home :D .
she's juz sososo cute lahs . <3>
sat ,
oh its todae (;
wanna slack e WHOLEDAE at home ! :D
&& while iim remakoSRY for not postinq for 3daes aqn ! ):

ohqod , its qoin to be SUNDAE SOON .
its 11.45pm now . ):
alriqhts . juz a short brief for everydae ? (:
thurs ,
-inq e bloq fer mie , wq & xy .
selina sms mie , ask mie qo andrea's condo dere .
soo , felt sian .
so juz qo lor ? ((:
qone mit her .OHHMANXZXX .
ddens after tt , tke bus , & qone her house ,
qone qym fer 10mins ?
wanna qo back her house rest awhile , && qo back qym ,
but we stay-ed at her house so shoick ?
on aircon , & iim watinq dvd ;
dens we're juz shout-inq & scream-inq & lauqh-inq happily inside e room =x ;
soo crazy lahs ! (:
spent 5hours ? :X
&& 9.30pm , wait-ed for mye stupid retardeed bus come .
half an hour ltr ------
come liao . 10pm den board bus . -.-''
soo after tt . decide-ed to stay at bus-stop w8 mami !
iim sucha quaii nuer ! (:
quyys .
todae 4-D , FIRST NUMBER is .
2112 ! ((:
huu wonwonwonnnn ? LOLLL :D:D .
okays , nvms , iie crazy liaoo .
lmaoos . okays lahs . iie wan slp liaos .
buaibuaii ! (:

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