iim so stuupiidd , alriqhts ,
iim back frm e photoqraphyLESSON , (:
okays , morninq 1145 , mit ahma at court dere ,
wait-edd ferh weethenq come , && she came ,
ask her a ques ,
haiis , whye imma so stupid ?
iie noe ur bluff-inq mie , but ii still believe-ed ue ,
ppl will sae iim stupid , & yes ,
ii aqree wib mye readders or ppl sae iim stupid ,
he lie mie whr he LIVE ardd ,
but ii still believe hhim tt its his qan-stead ,
haiis , -.-'' ,
alriqhts , shall not sae e sad tinq anomore ;
let mie HYPERRRR till e end of post alriqhts ? (:
muahahas , after tt , ahma send weethenq home ,
&& iie home awhile && off iie qo aqns ,
ohyes , iin e court , iie was ply-inq VIDEO wib ahma (:
ii shall post e 3video LTRR :D:D ;
ahma actions dam cute . <3 lol ="x" color="#ff6600">&& ue noe wads our conversation ? (:
our conversation qoes lyk tis ;
ME : HELLOS ! (:
HIM : oh , hi ;
ME : er , do ue maple ? (:
HIM : er , yeaps .
ME : iqn izzit baobei // shuld ie sae is 00baobei00 ? :x -smilesmile ;
HIM : yeaps , ue are ?
ME : iim SUSIE ! REMEMEBER ? (: =x
HIM : oh , OMFG , SUSIE ? myqod ` . -keep look-inq at mye overall ? -.-''
HIM : still mapl-inq ?
ME : nop luh , quit-ed (: . muahaha .
HIM : ohh , iic , hahas ,
dens ppl ask ferh our fav colour ,
HIM : err , err ,
ME : iyah , he so qay , PINK lahs PINK lahs ! ((: ;x -MUAHAHA .
HIM : okays lahs , pink jiu pink , since she lyk pink , so be it , (:
ME : muahaha ! quaii . LOL :XX
after tt , iie knew 7fwens , (:
abbie , zair , fadly , edel , ferisa , nadzirah , priccilia && keekiat ,
abbie iishx mute&deaf , hais , but she's carr-inq (:
soo nice tokinq in a indirectway wib her (:
&& thanks to her teach mie hw to plait e cute HAIRSTYLE ;x
zair && fadly make our qrroupp hyper ,
dey're so funny lor ;
make our qroupname as power-ranqer ,
&& somemore iim pink-ranqer , LOL :X
okays , beta den baobei qroup , his qroupname is friedCHICKEN,
lmaos :x ddens when we qot lunchTIME rite ,
e zair tke all e stuff to our chair dere ,
LOL , we llauqh lyk , muahhaasa :D
edel , ferisa & nadzirah rr abbiie fwens ,
edel ishx e first iie tok to , :DD <3
yeaps , den priccilia quiet qer ?
&& dunsiaosiao uh , she play counterSTRIKE & DOTA neh ! (:
sucha quiet but aizai de chabor . <3 (:
&& keekiat e KIT-KAT , LOL :XX
its a nick fer him . <3
after tt qot activities all tt , & we nid qo park tke photos of people , activities & place ,
socall , -PAP- :D
funnie yea ? haha ; dens qroup wib abbiie & ferisa , <3
okays , stop mye crap-inqs , after abt 6plus , fin lesson (:
qot qroupFOTO , yay ! cannot post , coz nvr tke on mye fone ,
its on their camera :D ddens iie qo & buy dinner ferh mie&papa ;
onfone wib cs , :D:D ; he's juz so swt lahs ? ;
he's cycl-inq while onfone wib mie , LOL :x ,
hope he's alriqhtss :D
juz nw he call-ed mie aqn , he qoin work ; rawrrs ! ):
nn yes , qoin to post e pic iie took todae && abv post for e 3VIDEOS (:
tml qot another lesson , qonna see e 8persons aqn ! :DD
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