ALOHA all , ((:
back frm outinq wib 4GUY :D
4GUY iishx , BIGEYEKORKOR (: . PANDA . silanqGAY && XUANHUI ? o.o
ddey r mye audii ex-quild's fwens ,
muahahas . :D
hahas . so cute lahs dey all ((:
qot pics ltr , muahas .
aniway , all ishx candid (:
actuually wanted tuh call wq & pinqJIEJIE & jeslynMEIMEI qoo wib mie de ,
quess wad . in e end all not free . :/
so bobian , solo lor (:
b4 iie qoo rite , iie tolld korkor tt .
if dey bullie miie , ue mus proootect miie hor (: . so he did too ! :D
hahas . dey wait-ed ferh miie , yay ! :XX
ddey qone foodcourt first , & korkor qo mrt fetch mie (:
so sweet of ue , LOL :XX
iim stand-inq at korkor's shoulderrs manxzx , -.-''
tiis show tt he's so fkinq tall -_-" . ;xx
so yeaps , we chatt-ed & play-ed ,
&& quess wad .
we chatt-ed on a topic call-ed . our GUILDD (:
omfq llahs . e -- quild , juz DAOPI lei ! :D
it shuld hab daopi lonq aqo mahs , so lonq den daopi ,
dey sae tis quild ard 1yrold liao , qoin 2yrold .
but den iie quitt-ed liao :D
muahahas . && dey told-ed miie abt mye ex-audi std ,
RAWRRS , soo anqrrie cans . -.-''
dey sae , he llyk qay lyk tt , LOL :X
hope it realli is :D . hahas
&& we chatt-ed on MAPLE too , hahas .
e GAY ishx mye ex-maple quild fwens ,
but iim crusades , he's crusades4 :D
so we're diff , but still crusades :D
den everybody sae maple sux , LOL :D
ii 60% aqree , (:
wait-ed dem eat fin , & we bus-ed off to CITYHALL :XX
actually want-ed to see movie , in e end , dey wanna qo wad ANIME tinqqy .
soo iie peii dem lor . -.-''
dey mus be honour-ed neh ! :DD
qone buy ticket , $5 , RAWRS X= ;
dens qone in lor .
went iin ferh 1HOURS lei , -.-''
dey're crazy , -.-''
crazy over chiobuu ? x.x "\
keep chioobuu here & chioobuu dere , x.x "
&& iim crazy over DORAEMON ! :D
took a pic of mye baobei DORAEMON leis :x
wahahhas :D
&& oso . saw ppl play-inq MAPLE !
new job leis , lv 150 . && quess wad .
he's llyk abt 7-8yrsold nia , so YOUNGG rite . ==''
iiyoo . so younq jiu obsess-ed wib maple liaos . -.-''
dens abt 7.30pm ,
PANDA . GAY && XH qone foodcourt firsth .
while korkor wanna peii miie home ,
&& he qone & find dem after he pei miie .
but , suddenly when he pei miie rite .
mood-swinqs & emo start-ed ? x.x "
dunnoe whye , dun feel lyk tok-inq ,
juz wanna be alone , so ask korkor qo back & find dem .
while iie ownself mrt-ed back (:
KOR . srry hor . juz nw bery diam . haiis . )):
&& on mrt de shiHOU . haiis ,.
dunnoe whye . felt lyk cry-inq . x.x "
baddieh qone m`sia tdy , nobody ishx qoin tuh peii miie chat ferh e 3daes ,
omfq lahs . iim miss-inq her ! ):
todae was so FUNFUNFUN ! ((:
okaays . PICS here ! (:
aww , see dem , sooo tanCHI =x (: , its PANDA & XH :X
KORKOR's HANDD & KORKOR :D . smile untill soooooo sweet lluh (:
muahahas . llyk sooo tastty lluh , but XH wanna post de (: . muahahas :D
omfq , korkor emo ? (: . nO lluh . he dunnoe iie took him , hahas :D
mye beLOVE-ed DORAEMON :D . its so fkinq BIG cans . LOL :X
XH emo ar ? LOL :D . hahas ! :X
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