6:32:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

ohqosh ` -_-"
ytd nvr qooo ouut at all =x ;
24hours rot at home , -.-''
so yeaps , todae baddieh & selina comeback lluh :D:D
sososo happie uh ! LOL :D
ytd nite aw call-ed miie too , hahas :D
chatt-ed untill midnite ? .
aww , so fkinq BOREDD , LOL ;D
he said ii chanqe-ed ,
2months nvr tok & miit , & he said ,
i chanqe-ed ,
frm a LOUDSPEAKER , to a SOFT VOICE , lmaos ;x
its a BIGG CHANGE hor (:
he said , ii hab a MAJOR CHANGE-ED . LOL :DD
okays lahs . he ask mie to chanqe back to LOUDSPEAKER type ,
cOz ytd iie tok untill bery soft ,
den he said ii sound lyk iim depress-ed , LOL =x
&& EMO , not hyper ):
ohyes , msn-ed wib chDADDIE too ((:
daddie ishx so fun to tok with :D
muahahas . iie love him ;x . AS DADDIE * :D
qonna mit up wib him real soon ; MUAHAHAS <3
so yeaps , abt untill midnite , said byebye to daddie & aw , :D
haish , aw & daddie , -.-'
not iie dunwan to be hyper , juz tt iie suddenly emo ):
iie oso wan back mye past time ,
mayb ppl said iim not e yilin dey knew lasttime ,
but wad can iie doo ? -.-''
ue said , iie nid smth to chanqe miie ,
but ue tink tt smth ez to find ? -.-''
if ez to find , ue still sinqle ar ? LOL :D
okays lahs , ii'll try alriqhts ,
promise-ed daddie & aw tt :D . <3
hahas , todae was sooo boredd in e morninq ,
but when afternoon , its FUN (:
felt lyk qoin susie , so yeaps ,

saw maniie fwens ,
play-ed wib illu YANDAO (: . <3
iim not kidd-inq , he's realli YANDAAOO (: .
LOL :x . && chat-ed wib kailin && qanqster promaqe too ;D
aniways , promaqee ,
iie told-ed ue , iim always on e win-inq streak =x
uur briqhtMARMIE will side miie de ! bleks (:
qone tuh e skele train (:
actually susie was 30% , train-ed wib kailin tt time ,
die untill 0% , & juz nw train till 3% (:
iim juz lihai lahs , e spawn at e new map , ishx dam FAST -.-''
ie solo-ed (: woot ,
exp fly-inq ,
e exp was 10k ! :D
after tt , door-ed cris & her fwen iin :D
iie quess tt once iie play back mye sukalisi , iie sure can be back tt yilin de (:
yay ! ,
quys , ur WAIT okays :D
e hyper yilin will be back realSOON (: <3

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