9:05:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

com tio a fkinq viiruus , lmaos ;
bloqq-inq on mye lappy now -.-'' .
sooooo mafan , T_T
ohhyes , 3daes bOh blOq aqns , ROFLS D:
2/11/08 :D
qone ahmaHOUSE toodaee ,
rofls , bored dae , :D
3/11/08 :D
yays , qot maths & sci remedial todae , lalalahs ,
sun's nite was chionq-inq mye maths's hw , x.x
okays lahs , quite ez ferh mie ,
but last ques , done 1hour ,
freak-ed off D:
dens mon's morninq , amanda rush-ed tuh mye house voiddeck ,
copi all mye maths ans .-.-''
hais , saw hher copi-inq ,
make miie tink of e time wib him ? x.x
promised baddieh to forqet , :D
ii'll , hehe :D
dens qone sku too earli ?
saw ahma in chinse remedial ,
soo qone & hab a remediall too :D'
soo fun , readinq e chinese's story , LOL :X
read 2times , & finally RIGHT :D
ahma's chinese soo biaoZHUN , will qo into chinese remedial de ar ? haha ;X
so yes , dens maths , -.-''
nths to sae , ohyes .
cher told mie ,
tues iie nonid tuh qoo ,
& he will still put mie as present ,
omfq , ue qot soo qood meh ? ==
believe ue ie PIG :D
allthouqh iim a PIG ard , lalalahs(:
soo yes , after maths qone SCI :D
hab sci wib xpress ppl , ? x.x "
felt soo odd ? hahas ,
din listen much ,
iie onli qot 1point rite ,
but till TODAE , which ishx tues ,
dens iie qet it rite ,
electron = proton ,
mye sci test can flunk le D:
dens after tt , jiu home le ;D
4/11/08 :D
tts todae :D
qone mit amanda at mye vioiddeck aqns ,
quess wad , we're late :D
qone skuu , lalalahs ,
mrLOH ishx teachinq santhiya & irshath nia . x.x
plsu we 2 , 4 ppl ,
slowly 1-2 humans moved in ,
yeah , in e end , hab 7ppl , including mie & amanda :D
ohyes , soooo less ppl yea ? (:
finally , its e last remedial , HOORAY :X
after tt m qone ferh sci remedial aqns,
ytd was mrKOH tkinq e lecture ,
nn todae was mdmANG ,, -.-''
dens doin test ,
wanted to copi frm amandaLING ,
but , -.-''
she anihow do , so ie rather tyco myeself :D
ask cher , wads electrons , ?
she said , its PROTONS ,
oh -'- ?
iie done wronq , ie tot electrons was protons plus neutrons ?
mye mcq & structured ques & SECTIONC , cans FLUNK le ,
iN short , means ,
whole paper , BYE MARKS :D
dens qone home ,
use lappy awhile , & sleep ,
dens sms wib baddieh too ,
& qone down run ? x.x "
boohhoo :D
ddens qone in maple ,
LOL , scroll wad pass wad ,
draqon wand pass 4 , left 3mor slot :D
tma 135 :x
dens , tmllqoin work wib mei :D
buais all :x

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