hahas ! iim BACKBACKBACK ! (:
aww , soo boredd now manxzx , ):
anibody free ? LOL :D
okays , juz back frm bball court ?
emoo-ed at dere , dunnoe whye lahs ,
okays , juz start wib fri bahs :D
fri morninq , wake-ed by a CRAZYGUY's PHONE , -.-''
he call-ed mie , & quess wad ?
he qoin hlp his fwen for taiji ?
&& he said he was backupp , soo wadever ,
wadever he wans tuh do , iie hab no permission tuh care ,
but all iie can do was ,
bless tt he's alriqhts , :D (:
okays , after tt , selina call-ed miie , ask miie ouut ,
soo yeaps , bath-ed , & OUT :D
qone doo mani tinqs ? LOL
its lyk , walk-inq ard AMK cans ? -.-''
in e end , we qone tuh childCARE ? lmaos =x
met 2small qerqer :D
saint & wenxuan , omfqs lahs ,
ddey rr so diam at first ,
& slowly , we communicate ! (:
selina pei dem till 1.30pm , while iie 12.30pm , bus-ed , mrt-ed & lrt-ed tuh SE2 ?
e wad rumbia de ? LOL :X
okays , doin flyerjobb ! (:
sms-ed & tok-inq on fone wib mye sister ! ;
omfq , sister , dun soo soo soo fed-up alriqhts ,
boiis aint our lifes , we dun live ferh boiis de , (:
as wad iie said , dun wei le yi ge shu , fanq qi zhen qe shen lin ! (:
so yeap , sister , rmb alriqhts , ! (:
okays , workworkwork , & fin work , LOL :D
okays , went home after tt , nths happen bahs ? -.-''
&& todae morninq ,
wake-ed up by e selina's fone , LOLS -.-''
so yeaps , after tt , bathe-ed & eat , :D
& dens mami brinq miie qoo cut haiir ! :D
mye frinqe ishx short lahs , LOLS , -.-''
todae ishx a UNTIDY HAIRDO DAE ferh miie lahs ,
dens qone mit selina at mac , she's shock ? or shuld iie sae , is surprise ? hahas :O
&& we qooo play ? LOL :D
ddens , walk-ed tuh e seraqqoon dere ? lmaos -.-''
ohyes , ahma , :D (:
ahma todae not free uh , sad , LOLS , GL & JY :D
okays , dens sms-ed wib baddie & ky ,
ddens qone & play swinq & climb aqns ? x.x ''
after tt , walk-ed back home , while selina qone seranqqoon centre ? -.-'
dens slowlly walk , after tt , sitt-ed on e bball court fer 1hr ? x.x "
mani memories bahs . dun feel lyk qettinq up & walk back home ,
ddens sit-ed dere , saw e bball court , & playqround aqns ,
omfq , -.-'' iie rmb-ed , b4 qabrielchuayonqpinq qo camps ,
tt week's mon , he came & find mie :D
he came after he qone tuh e beachrd buy npcc's stuff ,
rofls siak ? he juz rush-ed over tuh mye house ? lmaos ;D
iie waited for him at our usual place ,
after he came , we walk-ed tuh e MAC :D
omfq lahs , when we walkinq dere rite , saw e firePOST ,
lmaos , quess wad ?
iie said , ''hey , its a POLICEPOST ! ((:'' ,
wallaus , tioo lauqh untill lyk hell manxzx ! ):
okays lahs , hahas , we qone MACMACMAC ! :D
dens he qo & buy e fillet , LOL ,
we share-ed ? -.-''
dunnoe whye , once iie ate e fillet ,
qot a feelinq comminq up ? dunnoe hw tuh sae luh ):
LOL , hahas , soo fun ?
ddens we walk-ed back tuh mye house dere ,
wanna pei him qo tke bus ?
he pull miieee back tuh e roadd luh ? ):
so bad de , -.-'' fook !! ,
okays , dens chatt-ed , & we play-edd ,
slappinqqq derh , LOL ;
iie slapp-edd hhim dam lots of time cans ,
not realli dam pain okays , he slap-ed mie mor pain , -.-''
& iie juz slap back ? e lasttime ie slap ishx harder ie quess ? (:
so yeaps , dens he was chas-inq miie aqns ~ ,
e quy sit-inq at e bench , saw us , runninq here & dere ,
lyk fenqzi cans ! );
ddens he pei-ed mie home :D , took e lift ,
saw miie qoo iin house den qo , hahas , swt of him :D
quess wad , a fat MIMI suddenly jump on him cans , LOL
catch his hoodie ? or his pullover ? stupid , -.-''
ie mean , his pullover's stupid :D
MIMI mus be catchinq MOUSE lei , whye she catch qabrielchua neh ? HAHA ! :D
iie tell ur e ans ,
e ans ishx , qabrielchua derh past ishx a MOUSEE !! (: ,
boohhoos , hahas ,
after tt , iie keep tink-inq at e bball court ,
whye iie was so happie tt dae ? -.-''
iim kindda stupid , but serious , iim soo happie lluh ,
whye tt dae iie lyk siaochabor , pei e stupid qabrielchua play lei ? LOL :X
play tish kind of tinqqy , hahas ! (:
ohh , its over iie quess ?
even iie felt it isn't , mayb , for him ,
he mus hab felt over le bahs ,
omfq , iie tot iie ard qibup ? LOL D:
he has qibup , whye cant iie qibup nehs ? lmaos ,
he human , iie oso human rite ? -.-''
okays , mayb ii mus qo back tuh mye coldblood-ed bahs ? LOL :D
so yeaps , nths happen bahs , hahas ` ,
GAMBATEH ! (: , JY :D , hahas (:
buais all (:
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