OHyes ! :D
iim back bloq-inq . <333
todae qone interview iin e morninq . LOL :D
yay , tml start liaos :D
its aint a job , but its a VOLUNTEER WORK ! (:
&& yes , was call-ed tuh qib danceSTEP for a sonq ,
& qib dem by tml , -.-''
okays , dens iie learn & think e dancestep for 5HOURS , LOL :D
tink of 3steps nia :xx
so yups , qone bball wib ahma :D:D
soo happie , weethenq came down too (:
she came wib her doqqy ! (:
iim scaredd at first , but slowly , kindda like it , (:
dens play-ed for 3hrs ? :D
after tt qone home ,
&& play-ed maple & audi aqns ,
&& yes , tml qoin EASTCOAST wib NPCCmdm & sec2CADETS (: =x
look-in forward . <3
okays , qoin to post lotslotslots of pics tml ;
wB BADDIE once mor :D . <3
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