boohooos :x ,
imma so HYPER , HYPER , HYPER (: <333333333333333333333>
ytd was chem & todae was dnt , -.-'
rofls , din study chem well ,
but mye exampaper turns out well ;x , haha ;D .
realli helps when listenn-inq in klash uh , -_-'
buahahahs , <3>
allthouqht ie ton overniqht sudy a few chpt ,
but 6chapters lei , T_T .
when come back frm exam str8 maple :o .
sooo hyypper . was on rinq-er hlppinq korkorr ,
so , its llyk , wtf , so bored -_-'
henq qot 161294 pei wo sms (: .
buahahhhaa , soo kind of him :o .
&& sms-ed wib darren too :D ,
rawrrs ._. , todae he has court ,
qoodluck boi (: .
toodae d&t , th paper turns out easy for mie ,
count-ed th marks tt ie hab confidence in ,
51/70 , coz qot manie ques is those nid cher mark de ;O .
llyk those briefinq & spec -.-'
ie lost 9marks in totall , coz ie dunnoe hw do tis fuqqin last ques , D: .
dammit , sux ~~ .
its llyk , wtf , hw to do ,
in my mind onli 2 ,
braces & trianqular , nid 1mor ,
ie luanluan write ,
but at least ie qotten a PASS (: <3>
chem oso will pass as ie count-ed th marks for chem&physic ,
rouqhly should be 50/100 ? :DDDDDDDDD .
yay , pass-ed :x .
qeoq'll fail for sure , 100% qurrantee chopp .
yes , todae morninq mrANG told-ed us dere's a shootinq comp ? -.-'
5qirls & 5bois ,
swaysway , zhunzhun , we onli hab 5qirls ,
bobian , included mie , D: .
iie onli shoot in 1 in sec2s & actuall sec3s :x .
on th actual dae , mus jiayou liao , rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :x .
okayokays , cant maple now D:
kaykianq lor , listen to 161294 ytd niqht on fone ,
to dl a freaqqin patchh , D: .
eediot lah , hatehatehate him , !! .
butbut ie can use laptop qo in susie chat (:
& not train , >.<" ,
dammit , ohyes , jump-ed a new server (: ,
qosh la , inside all sinqaporeans ? :o
&& ie knew a new darrlinq , LOL :D .
he's llyk so freaqqin cute ? lmaooo ,
yeah , train-ed mie untill 200 , tqq mye darrlinq (: . muacks :D .
iie qoo sleep liao , finally all th impt sub is over ,
tml's juz listen-inq , 830am home-ed (: , woottys :D .
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