8:05:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

HAHAHAHA , imma back frm npcc ._.
yeahyeah , th stupid course , its shootinq-competition de course ,
wtf , tired ._.
okayokays , shall stopp all mye qrumbllinqs , D: ,
ytd tues , omfq ,
ie woke-ed up at 7am >.<"
actually normally iie shuld wakeup at abt 6.30am ? -.-'
omfqq , 7am , tot llate , but ie rmb nid tke results ,
so bobian , faster brush & runn skuu ,
nearrly late , wtf ~ .
hais , qotten back enq , yeah , had a pass-ed ,
cher qiive us see our result`slipp , juz a peep .
butbut we onlie can see abitabit niah , qot some chanqes oso , ;o
qotten 3pass & 3U qrade , >.<"
yeah , ss haven put iN , ie wasn't surprise tt ie fail-ed mye combine`humanities ,
&& mye combine`sci , -.-'
iie pass-ed mye qeoq , but ie fail-ed mye ss for sure ,
coz iie study de eassay nvr come out ,
sci , ie pass mye physic , but fail-ed mye chem , >.<"
but ie dam surprise&sad abt faill-inq DNT ,
omfqwtfbbq , iie qotten a 43.5 over 7O for dnt llor ,
& cher said tt , kzh,wq&mie sure pass , -.-'
wtf is tis ? ><" , d&t students all faill , roflmaos .
hais , nvms , forqet it , ie ard qiven`upp lliao ,
felt llyk cryinq when qotten th marks ,
cher told-ed mie when iie saw mye results ,
she said tt ,
' if ie wanna qet th carreer for mye future , mye combine`sci mus hab atleast a pass ' ,
wtf , ie oso wan a pass , but ie juz suck at chem , >.<"
okay , iie qot a 32 over 5O for physics (: ,
ie beqbeqbeq cher to qib miee ,
actually mye mark was 29.5 ,
& ie forqot to write a 'stopp' in mye ans , as mye ans was onli watch -.-'
beqbeqbeq , & he finally qive mie a 3O , den 2mor marks ,
1mark was mye workinq mark , another was he CAL-WRONG , HOHO :D .
so kaixin , :x , qotten a 11position in class :D ,
ddens went home , sleepp & start-ed maplle (: .
woohoo , sleep dam earlie ytd , 11pm jiu sleep liao , miracle :O <3>
hahhas , todae was dam fuqqin fine -.-'
wokeupp late as usual , 6.55am , i str8 put mye contact`lens , den brushteeth ,
chiionq too sku , wtf , class nobody sittinq -.-'
so slack at th back awhile , :x ,
& todae's mye bad`hair`day , WTF ~ .
ihateit ! , D: , everytinqq abt mye hair todae juz sucktothCORE , -.-'
butbutbut still quite cute neh , ie tiie a bunnbunn at mye top of mye head -.-'
coz easier to tie ? LOL :D ,
assemblyyyy , qeoqqq , chem (: ,
ohqosh , qeoqq . doin correctionnn & listeninq cher tok ,
chem , went labb as usual , abt 1030am , nid qoo dunnoe wad room ,
do IC :D , qosh lah ,
th auntie ask mie ,
' qirl , relax , relax , '
imma relaxinq -.-' , lols .
ddens reccess wib tortise , wah , tortise todae so fast , not tortise liaoo :X ,
eh , enq&chinese was nxt ,
ie sleep thru-out 1period , and another period was day-dreaminq -.-'
hlp-ed cher tke tinqs upstaiir & had a chat wib her ,
yeah , mayb she's riqhht ,
suddenly felt tt , imma ' enliqhted ' by her ? -.-'
okay , ie spelt wronq , but probably or APPROXIMATE lyk tis spell de . :x .
chinese doin correctionn aqnn , :x ,
dam funn (: , ie swear . <3>
str8 qo toilet chanqe-ed wib ahma&veratohxC (: .
soo cool tt , actually timinq was 245pm ,
wtf riqht ? so decide-ed to qo eat :x .
vera & mie was th last1 to qet our food , T_T ,
we both qood humans , dun cut-Q :D ,
bouqht 5packets of tibits , juz to eat on th bus if we're hunqry , LOL .
& actually , th bus came in 330pm or 4pm lyk tt -.-'
meanwhile , we was plyinq&sllackinq&eattinq in th foyer -.-'
while onbus , sinqq-inq , but not so LOUUD&FUN llyk hw we doone durinq we qoin back -.-
went dere , hais , 3sku , was dam tired , but ie tried to tonq for th 1hrs++ (: .
was our turn to try-out , it cause mye 1Ofinqer blister , -.-'
& cause mie cannot qo SMS , WTF , D:
&& we qot a total of 24rounds -.-'' ,
iie dunnoe hw imma qoin to pass on tt day ,
qoodluck bah , hais , -.-'
okay , when qoinback , our clever`vera had a very`clever idea -.-'
she said tt , whenever dere's ppl sittinq behind th lorry or wadever ,
we uz keep wave`hand , & we realli did -.-'
& too our SURPRISE , a unclle realli waveback , wholebus was chaos lah , ._.
& th bus is small , LOL :X .
& yes , camwhor-ed wib vera mor den 1O-times juz to qet a NICE PIC -.-'
took-ed our best`emoqirl foto tooo (: .
actually qot our best`emoboi foto de, but not nice , so DELL :D ,
hahahahs , was sinq-inq th sonq dam loud as we could in th bus ,
wib seannn`ahmaa & ainn :DDDDDDDD ,
hohohoho . okay , tml wwas qoin sinqapore`flyer , yipee (: .
funfunfun :D , BYEE ALL .
will qet maniemanie fotos tmll , hoho . LOVES :D

ahma was th emo`qirlll lookinq out of th window , findin her bf (?) =X .
veratohxC & miee (: . <33

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