7:13:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

todae's a fuqqin baddie dae for mie llah , D: .
hate it manzxz , 25/05/09 , ii'll rmb tis dae forever , -.-'
morninq qone sku as usual , went back class after assembly ,
dammit , th cher ask us qo back parade-square , dammit , fk ._.
duulan , & almost th wholesku nvr brinq baq ,
onlie us brinq baqs , wtf ! ,
dens still nvms , after our turn qo back , dam quiet ,
& everybody was llyk chuatio ? LOL .
aniws , after tt , qot back mye qeoq-paper ,
tot ie would hab a SINGLE DIGIT ,
qod knows , ie qotten a 19/25 (: <3>
hohohoho , suprised , iie din see th paper after cher qiv mie ,
went back seat , den slowly see ,
yeah , nice ? (: . at least not a 0 ! ,
hahas , qotten bak maths paper after tt ,
yeah , fail-ed paper1 by 4marks , fail-ed paper2 by 1.5marks ,
qosh , overall , ie fail-ed in e end ,
ie fail-ed mye overall by 6marks++ >.<
but if +CA , its a surepass , but juz borderline (: .
wun qet a A/B , but either a C/D (: .
hahahas , dens ss cher nvr come , decide-ed to qo find kzhh , ask for their marks ,
wtf , kzh qotten first for qeoq , >.<"
& yeah , maths , he fail-ed th overall by 2marks++ , ;o .
after ss , was chinese ;
sians , listeninq compre qot a 18/20 ,
wtf , ie was lyk totally freakout when ie knew ans was B ,
coz ie erased it , and chanqe it , ie still can see th erase-ed part >.<"
hais , dammit , D: .
recess-ed wib kelly as usual , llmaoo ,
tortisee ~ , emooooooooooooooooooooo , D: .
dens dnt was after reccess ,
qot back dnt paper , ie had squeezed 1marks out of it (: ,
& it became 43.5 , (: ,
3rd in class ? HAHA :D ,
wq was 2nd , she qotten a 44 .
while kzh , qotten a first once aqnn , qotten a 53 >.<"
its over 70 marks , hohoho .
iie still qot those desiqnjournal tinqqy ,
qosh , mye sketchbook is totally NOTHING inside >.<"
everytinq was inside mye sku`acc folder .
din put in mye thumbdrive , D: ,
hoppe ie pass manzx , HAHA :D .
dens llast period of dnt , we went com`labb , kacau-inq kzh lah :x ,
so nice of him acc mie sit (: ,
LOL , its acc caleb >.<" , but he sitt-ed beside mie ,
3ppll usinq a laptop , LOL ;X ,
b4 tt , when walkinq upp to 4thfloor , saw hyx (: .
RAWRR ._. ,
kzh ask him return untill bery jialat wor , poorBOY :O .
dens after tt , seperated wib himm , he qo for historyy ,
while we qoo for dnt ; its a left&riqht directions >.<"
enq was nxt , qot a fail-ed , for paper2 ,
fail-ed by 3marks , wtf :x .
but if +paper1 , sure qot a pass :D , so aint worry abt it :D ,
home-ed after tt ,
once aqn , sleep a 5hours , dao kL`sms & darlinq`sms , omfq , srry ;x .
hope & wishh darlinq lose his dota manzxz , >.<" ,
ytd niqht was maplinq wib fewfwens ,
yeah , at th midniqht , thanks to kai`wizz pei wooo th whole niqht , ;x .
hoho , a real chatt-inq partner . <3>
he hasn't done his projj coz of tokinq to mie -.-'
aniw he todae 11am den qo sku , so nvms , LOL (: ,
johnnchua ytd oso dao mie th wholeniqht , hope he lose his dota oso , rofls :x ,
okayy , tmll qonna qet back ss&physics , qoshh , make it a pass plz , D: .

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