11:11:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

OKAYY , imma juz so fuqqin dulan juz nw ,
but , imma hyper now (: ,
juz a few tinqs too sae ltr , LOL (: .
okay , its 11.11pm now -.-'
wad a nice number tt kl`twinneh like (; ,
okays , shall post fastfast & off to sleep ,
tml's npccdae , qonna wakeupp earlie , D: .
okay , wad happen on mondae wad , imma ABSENT (: <3>
yeah , felt sliqht fever in th morninq -.-'' ,
so stay-ed home , went back & sleep untill 9am , & wake-ed ,
start-ed revisinq mye SS :D ,
revise-ed 6hrs ? ,
after tt , start-ed maplinq , on rinqer for laopo :D ,
spam-ed qene for laopo too , qqrats laopo lv 127 :D .
ddens audi-ed awhile , went back study aqn -_-'
dens call-ed kzh for hw , he said nid do maths , :x .
so went & do , he so fuqqin cute la can ?
on fone let mie kpkb lyk dunnoe wad , LOL :X .
四眼田鸡就是四眼田鸡,没有人要吃的!全身骨头。HOHOHO (: .
thats for kzh , HAHA :D .
at least even thouqht imma si yan tian ji , butbutbut , ie qott ROU , LOL :D .
ppl would rather choose mie den choosinq ue :D .
audi awhile-ed wib vincent`qayqay (: .
he so bad la , ask mie wake him upp in e nxtmorninq ,
& keep scold mie pbk , D: . tmd -.-''
wanna slapp him when we mitupp after mye exams , @#$R%^&*
HAHAHAHS , after tt studied untill 2.30am ,
after tt jiu went sleep , ;O .
tues :D
hais , went sku in e morninq , juz LATE -.-''
yeah , its NEARLY , butbut dam lots of ppl at th foyer , ;O .
nid tke out thermometer , -.-'
mye books drop-ed thrice , wtf ~ , D: .
den th mrLOH keep sae , oh , drop uh drop uh , -.-
after tt , went back class , cher ask mie for MC , ie dunhab ,
tio pride-time , omfqwtfbbq . -.-'
its lyk , ie qot dam lots of pridetime nvr qo liao , :x .
its llyk nid qo WATER PLANTS , -.-' , its dam fuqqin borinq , ie swear :x .
self-studied (: , revisinq th GEOGG , qosh , its bored , D: .
dens qot eL , qeoq , & maths (: ,
dble period , 1period & dble period aqn ,
eL , cher qone in hospitall , D: .
so sad , she qot throat infectionn , & asthma-attk , -.-' , so kelian la , >.<" ,
qeoq was doin paper , tmd , ie findin th ans lyk siaochabor -.-'
maths`cher was revisinq wib us th simultaneous ques , :O .
dens oso , revisinq wib th elimination :D , mye worst part -.-'
imma not usinq tis method durinq exam , :X .
okay , butbut oso mus learn , -.-'
dens oso qoin thruu th paper tt mie&kzh discuss-ed on fone ytd nite :x ,
qosh , ie qot all correct (: , KZH , IMMA CLEVER DEN UE ! (: .
went find ss-cher before qoin reccess ,
was kpkb-inq outside of th level2 staffroom wib wq & kzh :x .
dam retardded -.-' , in e end , cher said tt , she will teach us durinq th 2nd period of ss :x
so went reccesss wib kellyy dey all , dens hab a BATHE after tt -.-''
in th toilet , not mie splashinq th water toth si clever-tortise ,
in e end tortise tot is mie , keep splashinq mie water , BADDBADBADDBADD , D: .
nvms , after tt was SS & PHYSICS (:
ss was fine in th 1st period , lend th tb frm benjinnn ,
qone for th 2nd period , qone infront for ss-AA , -.-'
dammit , so fuqqin bored , imma blankly copi-inq ,
when th last paraqraph , nid ownself write , ie totally freak-ed out ,
butbut ie wrote 10 sentences in e end (:
qot 4th for physics in CA1 :D ,
wad a qreat achievement ? ;D
its llyk , realli la , iie nvr qotten top4 in mye sci`before , HAHA (: ,
but its juz a CA1 , ii'll trryy for MID-YEAR (: , if can , ie hope , :D
aniw , 2nd period , mrs-MENON walk-ed in & lecture us , -.-'
fyi ; she's our principal , :x .
come in & toktoktok , qrrs , our class juz too famous ? -.-' roflmaos .
wrote a reflectionn , din went for npcc-meetinq ,
but keemonq told-ed kzh , so kzh tell mie (: ,
he pei mie qo order mye namename & acc- mie home ,
butbut nvr press lift for mie , make mie nearlie fall-down , D: .
bad-hearrted ~ .
audi-ed & maple-ed simply th wholedae ,
din study aBIT -.-' , qoshh .
maple was juz soo fun la ? spamm-inq (: , && oso ,
helm-ed mye ICE , its lyk so FINALLY , !@#$%^&*( .
wait johnchua hlp mie helm so lonq , finally , ie ownself helm -_-'
2Om juz FLYY , D: .
wedddd ;D .
ohh , iits todae , ie oso NEARLI LATE , went in th skuu juz as th qate is CLOSE - ED , :x .
so luuckie (: ,
went in class lyk corpse , -.-'
sanq marikitaa , & revise-ed ,
revise-ed mye qeoq aqn , WOOT :D .
was llyk , form-cher nvr come , th mrSOMA was llyk ,
nvr care us ? juz on th videoo for th assembly ,
wash-inq hand de , ;O , but ie nvr watch , x.x "
qeoq was after tt , th relief cher came over , its msCHO`sis :x .
dens doin enq oso , -_-' , chem was nxt ,
wtf , so boredd , D: .
late for reccess , D: .
coz of temp-takinq aqn , nid qo class tke thermometer & qo back chem`lab ,
tke th tempt -.-' , after tt , ask-ed tortise peii woo qo buyy food ,
shhe sooooo bad la , D: . ps mie halfway , -.-'
was llyk , acc-ed her to 3e2 & tke her physic`books :D .
dens enq was nxt , 2period of enq :O ,
JJ was tkinq over our class for th first`lesson ;D ,
dots , whole class was chaos ? -.-'
nxtt`period is msCHO come in , HOD`enq , ;O.
dots , class dam quiet , :O .
she teach-inq us th format , blablabla ~
den chinese nxt , VP come in wib cher , -.-'
class dam quiet aqn , LOL (: ,
ie dunnoe wad happen to mie oso ,
juz feel lyk tokinq but it nvr qo thru mye brain , dots :x ,
cher ask-ed .
' wad's 公函 for ? '
ie str8 sae , write to '' 部长'' .
its lyk dam stupid la , whole class luff , ;O :X .
duhs , butbut , after VP qone , class is NOISYY aqn :D ,
ddens after qone upp wib cher to tke file wib alicia (: .
doin fil-inq , ;O ,
finallyyyy , mye CA :D . <3>
tml is qettinq CA marks , qosh , ie fail-ed qeoq , ie pass-ed physics ,
izzit a 是福不是祸,是祸躲不过 ? rawrrs ._.
went back home , sleepp (: .
sleep-ed 4hrs , wake-ed , MAPLE-ED :D .
doin m`sia boss wib slicky & wasabi ;x .
its lyk cmi for wasabi`batch :x .
so ie went spamminq svc for silanqpro instead .
see , imma so qood (: .
pei-ed laopoo in fm awhile , jiu off ie qo :O .
spamspamspam , 7% was earn , he's lv-ed (: .
qqrats silanqpro 108 :D .
laopo quit-ed maple , & th acc was qiben to her'COUSIN ,
wtf , th newowner of ---------- , sucha siaoqinna lah ,
ie scold-ed dam lots of vulqlar intoo her ,
meqa-ed her llyk dunnoe wad , & she juz scold-ed mie ,
BITCHBITCHBITCH untill lyk dunnoe hw manie hrs ? -.-'
den ie str8 sae , ue bueysonq come find miee ,
maii keep bitchbitchbitch , ._.
sry to those ie scold-edd , D: .
rawrrrs , realli dam dulann mah , T-T .
tml's npcc-dae , earrliee wake , butbut imma qoin studyy (: ,
sayooo all , its 12am now (: .
hello thursday ,
qoodbye wednesday , ):

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