10:25:00 PM YILIN (: 0 Comments

soo llonq nvr bloq ,
yeah , exam start-ed , & 1paper DOWN-ED (; <3>
its th startinq of th exam on fridae ,
& its oso th end of exam for qabrielchuaquanpinq , =.=' wtf riqht , D: .
so fuqqin jealous , rawrs , ._.
okays , thurs :x .
its a npcc-dae as ie saidd ,
wake-ed quite earrlie in e morninq ,
tot imma late , but actually , IMMA TH 2ND PEOPLE TO REACH , =X .
1st was ahma , <3>
wonderr-inqq , whye ahma so zai , LOL .
chanqe-ed wib herr , den ltm came , veraaa & lastly ain came ,
ltm ytd sms-ed us & said tt nonid brinq sku-U ? x.x
wear mufti , so ie nvr brinq ,
in e end nidd wear sku-U , but bobian ,
so nid wear FULL-U FOR WHOLEDAE , (!) .
its lyk a firsttime in history ;x .
dens was llyk sounds fun , so raiiseup when dey was votinq , HAHA :X .
majority wins ;D , PE after tt ,
qoshh , chanqe-ed to PE-SHIRT , as ie nvr done a station in napfaaa at all , ._.
so bobian , nid complete ,
ie qot C for EVERY STATIONN , but a E for incline-ed , ;x .
okay , when ie chanqe-ed , ie forqet tt ie nid pulldown socks ,
&& tt ALICIA keep qanchionq mie , so ie juz walkout lyk tt -.-'
qone parade-square , imma th center of ATTENTION , -.-'
whole class lauqh-inq , D: , den iie finally noe wad happen ,
serene says ,
wahh , yilinn , ue look lyk ' hockey ' player ,
WOWW , soo shuai <3>
realli dam xiasway , plus qot sec2`class oso , -_-'
den cher said tt mye blacksocks's a EYESORE to him ,
after he said tt , ie ans ,
iie noe la cher , ie chanq-inq bk to uniform ltr , -_-' & ie nvr brinq whitesocks :x
cher said , HAR ? ue chanq-inq back to th DONGDONGCHIANG clothes ?
LOL , wholeclass juz LUFF-ED . kzh&euqeneLOKE cannot sitdown , HAHAHAHA ,
ORBIORBIORBIORBI =x . rofls :x .
when incline-ed pullup , once ie done untill 4 , ie str8 drop down , ;x .
told-ed cher ie pass , pass can liao , nonid A , LOL ! ,
everybody was lyk , WALLAU YILINNNN , -_-' ,
ahahaha , after tt chanqe-ed to th ' donqdonqchianq ' uniform ;
& went for DNT , :D .
coool , was copi-inq stuffs , & quess wad ,
todae euqeneLOKE & kzh 良心发现 , suddenly all sit at th table wib mie&caleb , -.-'
bluish`peoples , HAHA (: .
so cool , ie was tokinq non-stop lyk machine`qunn , & dey bth , =X .
was qeoq after dnt , was chanq-inq seats , iie was siit-inq iin th firstROW , -.-'
dens reccess wib kellyy`wonq ,
she took mye wallet away , baddiehh , D: .
xiaoxinq , ie step on ur shell , hohoho , si tortise :P .
dble chinese & dble maths ,
chinese was boredd , -_-' , qet back my chinese`test ,
qot a 32.5/50 , convert to 100 ,
is 65 , yeah , nice :D . <3>
maths`cher nvr come , mrSIVA come in & relief ,
he was teeachinq chem`formulae & equations ,
yes , finally , ie understood hw too qet th formulae & equations all tt stupid tinqqy ,
iimma blur-ed durinq msLOH period , butbut , mrSIVA realli rox ,
& he dam cute la , ask him ques , he make those faces & voice ,
LOL ! , llyk , th tinn , qot a neqative siqnn ,
means wad valency tinqqy ,
LOL :D . funnfunnnfunnn , time realli flies durinq mrSIVA`s period , D: .
chanqe-ed & decide-ed to studyy wib okl ,
went mac & ie studie-ed mye dnt :x ,
she was tokinq all e way , LOL :X .
saw jinqtunq in mac , hohohO .
after tt , maple-ed & audi-edd , but slept earlie :x .
fri - :D
wooots , enqP1&P2 :D .
iie was prepp-edd , HHAH :D . studie-ed format lastniqt ,
its still on brain , thanks qod . (: .
iie wrote 1350`words for mye compo , -_-'
650`words for my letter-writinq , -_-'
its llyk so miracle tt ie wrote so manie words , but ie juz exceed-ed th word`limit ,
ie nvr qib a damn to it , & ie wrote ,
350`words for compo , 200`words for letter-writinq , -_-'
hope ie can SUCCESSFULLY PASS , -.-'
whiile for th paper2 , ie can flunk-ed it , -_-'
ie dunnoe wads th passaqe tokinq ,
wad tis collapse , tt collapse de , tmdnainai , -.-'
so dulan can , 2nd passaqe is , newater & marine`barraqe ,
wtf ~ , ie wrote 130words for summary , hohoho ,
ie tink i'll flunk-ed it , rawrrs ): .
ie can qet a 40/80 for mye enq , den ie mus 谢天谢地 liao , :x .
hahahahs , after exam , str8 home-ed . din went study wib kl , hehe ;x
went sleeppp , studiedd , & maple-ed , & audi-ed , & POOF :D .
qqame's RELAXX (: , maple&audi juz rox . <3333333333 color="#9999ff">sat - .

eh , was llyk , afternoon , maple-ed ,
boss-ed wib slicky , & he forqet mie ,
hw dareee him , ~!@#$%^&*()_ .
he dunnoe hw to write 死 before , !@#$%^&*( ,
buahahahs , jkjk , =X . mai kill woo , f3 :D
after tt , went temple wib mamie ,
firsttimee qot th buddha`bathinq , soo cool =X .
studi-edd at mac wib ONGKAILINGG after tt , ;D .
she's crrazyyy (: ,
cammwhor-ed at toilet b4 we qooo (: .
lloves :D .
maple & AUDI aqn ,
si slicky , forqet mie aqn , idc , ue tml mus hlp mie okay ,
hahahhahas (: . <33>
oh , th pics'ree downn (: ,
hohoho . loves & smiley (; <3>
its not edit-ed btw , imma tired , D: .

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